Extend Your Life with Acupuncture

Humans naturally want to live as long as possible. Living longer means your genetics have a higher chance of being passed on. For early humans, striving for longevity meant fulfilling the basic needs of adequate food and water, and creating shelter for protection. The daily fight for survival was not guaranteed, but life spans slowly increased. Skip ahead to the Industrial Revolution and mechanization where life becomes less dangerous and a bit more predictable. With routines, creature comforts and medical knowledge on how to preserve health, life spans increased again.

As we entered the new millennia, humans had achieved record life spans with areas of the world supporting septa-, octa-, and nona-genarians in their populations. And yet, our lifestyles of convenience and comfort have created diseases of excess, and projected life expectancy has declined for the first time in human history. Modern lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and drug and alcohol abuse have all contributed to diminished health outcomes.

How do we stay healthy, live longer and not succumb to a life of excess that leads to an early ending?

Life-affirming Acupuncture

Acupuncture is designed to keep the body in harmony by balancing what is out of order. Anything we encounter with our five senses and our emotions could potentially affect our physical, mental or emotional health. The goal of an acupuncture treatment is to balance the energy and substances in our bodies to reestablish and maintain harmony and order. This can sound complex or even like a fantastical idea, but it is the most basic principle on which our physical bodies work. A recurring headache informs us that something is out of order, as headaches should not be a normal, everyday occurrence. Low energy and interrupted sleep indicate a problem in the body, because we have experienced good sleep and reserves of energy prior to this. 

Acupuncture works by identifying and treating the main organ or organ systems causing illness and imbalance and re-routing the flow of energy throughout the body using needles to direct signals. The addition of herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, cupping or massage will boost and maintain the positive effects of the acupuncture treatment.

Not a One-and-Done

When an ongoing health issue has been treated and resolved, many patients wonder if they are “cured”.  A lot of us seek out professional help for an issue and expect the problem to be resolved so we can forget about it and move on. In health and wellness as in many other areas of life, that is usually not what occurs. Ongoing care will help to ensure you won’t re-acquire the same illness and be forced to start over treating symptoms rather than managing and improving your health. As a healthcare professional I always have your long-term care in mind. This includes scheduling treatment sessions to maintain goals and give early identification of health issues that could become health nightmares if left untreated.

How wonderful would it be to not worry about getting sick, but to relax and know that we are ensuring we live longer, healthier lives while preventing disease because we are proactively managing our health? Ancient Chinese practitioners had a saying: “Why dig a well when you are already thirsty?” Why see a doctor when you are sick when you could keep your health maximized and prevent sickness? Regular treatments are beneficial boosts and help to keep seasonal and outbreak illnesses from affecting you.

As a targeted treatment takes effect and your health issue is resolved, I encourage you to stay on a monthly acupuncture plan and add in massage therapy if your lifestyle allows. Relaxation, blood circulation and energy balancing benefits of massage will improve and maintain your mental and physical health.

Acupuncture as Longevity Medicine

Longevity isn’t about beating the system, it’s a matter of utilizing and optimizing the resources within your body. The natural hormones, blood, and qi we were born with and can maintain with a healthy lifestyle, are far superior to synthetic and processed oral, IV and injected versions. If your health is vastly diminished or disease has overtaken your body, these are viable and life-saving options. Let’s avoid the need for those options and look to prevent future illness now.

Longevity medicine strives to keep you at your best, most energetic and youthful, for as long as possible. We will all go through the aging process, but you can avoid a pain- and prescription medication-filled future with prevention. A long and healthy life is a result of enabling the vessel you inhabit to be the most efficient and well-run machine it is capable of being. Most of us don’t have it in our power to change the outside world or the daily factors that stress us. We can’t make a boss be nicer or an outstanding loan go away. But the healthier we are, the better we feel, allowing us to take on and resolve life’s challenges thoughtfully and calmly. The flowing digestion, the energy to perform, the ease of sleep, and the happiness of life is the path we can be on.


Herbal Formulas for Longevity

Imperial Tonic from Evergreen Herbs treats qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies for overall constitution building. Astragalus, ginger, and American ginseng strengthen the immune system and the source qi of the body. This formula also tonifies the spleen, strengthening digestion and promoting the absorption of nutrients from food. Additional herbs strengthen kidney qi, preventing “leaking” out through fluid loss.  

Astra Essence from Health Concerns  is a powerful formula to maintain vitality and promote longevity. Tonic herbs are combined with astringent herbs to prevent loss of essence and slow the aging process.

Along with pre-made formulas, ancient practitioners crafted potent longevity elixirs. A container was filled with herbs that tonify the kidneys, strengthen digestion, and boost blood. This mixture was covered with a clear, unflavored liquor, capped and left to steep for days, months or even years depending on the herbal blend. Alcohol is a potent extractor which pulls the tonic agent from the herb, making the beneficial properties available to your body. After the required amount of curing was achieved, the formula was available for distribution. A spoonful of the tonic was taken daily to enhance lifespan. Try it for yourself! The Acupuncture by Andrea clinic carries a variety of longevity elixir packets that you can take home and prepare as needed.


Pain-Free Knees, Please!


A Pain in the Neck