Pain-Free Knees, Please!

Acupuncture is at its most effective when applied for the treatment of pain. In fact, pain relief is why most people seek acupuncture and make return visits. Knee pain is a very common complaint, with one in four Americans suffering, and something I treat often at the Acupuncture by Andrea clinic. I see patients in obvious pain, stepping carefully to avoid any sudden moves and potential falls. I see people in braces or wearing cumbersome shoes, depressed because they can’t live like they used to, complaining that bending and standing doesn’t happen without pain. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), can relieve acute and chronic knee pain through acupuncture, herbal medicine and massage.

Diagnosing Knee Pain

The knees are a meeting point for multiple acupuncture meridians. Treatment points for the kidney, liver, spleen, bladder, gallbladder and stomach all run through the knee. Diagnosing the cause of knee pain and determining how to treat it depends on where the pain lies—is it down the front or the side of the kneecap or behind the knee? Pain location will tell me what organ or organ system is causing the issue.

  • Back of the knee issues take into account the bladder and kidney meridians

  • Pain at the front of the knee usually involves spleen, kidney, liver and stomach meridians

  • Side of the knee pain is most often related to the stomach and gallbladder meridians

Once the area of pain is identified, I then look to the partner organs and meridians to create a treatment plan and begin your pain relief.

Organ Systems and the Knees in Chinese Medicine

The stomach meridian passes through the knee and treatment of this channel is essential as diet and digestion are the basis for most issues in TCM. When the digestive system is weak, the spleen and stomach are not operating at maximum capacity and dampness and fluid retention occur. This fluid retention is seen in many areas of the body, including the knees. Retained fluid is a barrier to normal flow of blood and qi and causes swelling and pain.

Fluid retention is a symptom of kidney deficiency. When the yang fire energy of the kidney pair is not optimal, they are too weak to push fluid out in their normal process. Long term digestive distress creates kidney and adrenal gland deficiencies, which can result in weak, painful knees. Fear and depression result from kidney and adrenal inefficiencies and can be exacerbated by the pain and inadequacy health issues cause emotionally.

The knees are also affected by the kidney’s relationship to bones and connective tissue. The knees are capable of a variety of movements and if they are restricted through fluid blockage, we feel pain and stiffness, tightness when bending, and fear that the knees will buckle, causing us injury and embarrassment.

Boosting the kidneys and increasing blood flow through acupuncture and herbal medicine will lessen or alleviate knee pain due to stomach, kidney, and fluid retention issues.

Treating Knee Pain

Acupuncture has been shown to be highly effective in relieving knee pain caused by osteoarthritis. Injuries to the knee such as ligament damage and meniscus tears can also be treated with acupuncture in conjunction with physical therapy, massage, surgery and herbal medicine.

Acupuncture and massage prior and post knee surgery, speed recovery by decreasing inflammation and allowing for increased immune response to fight potential infections, while reducing pain. Lymphatic massage before and after surgery is recommended by Western medical practitioners. A 2020 study in the International Journal of Rehabilitation found that lymphatic drainage in combination with kinesiotaping proved effective against pain and swelling following knee-replacement surgery.

Herbal medicine for symptom relief and stagnation is recommended alongside treatment. Two formulas that I prescribe for knee issues are Knee and Ankle AC and CR. The AC for acute knee injuries and pain contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic herbs to clear heat and swelling and relieve pain.

The Knee and Ankle CR formula is prescribed for chronic knee pain with atrophy and degeneration. Weakness, stiffness, sprains and decreased range of motion will see relief with this herbal formula of tonifying and blood moving herbs. The herbs break through stagnant blood and qi to improve circulation while strengthening the kidneys and digestive organs to improve long term health.

 Are you suffering from pain due to injury, lifestyle or aging? Traditional Chinese Medicine practices of acupuncture, cupping, massage, and herbal medicine can Change Your Life. 


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